The History of the Excellerated Business School® for Entrepreneurs (BSE) for Chinese Graduates

Lin Wei-Hsien 林偉賢, (Willson Lin) the Chairman of Doers Group — our Chinese Money & You® / BSE programs partner with whom we have been working with for nearly 20 years – and I were having a conversation that many of the Chinese Money & You® and BSE grads did not know the history of the work that goes back to over 41 years (1978) so we thought it would be a good idea for me to share it with all of you.

My name is Doria (DC) Cordova, and I am the CEO / Owner Excellerated Business Schools® (BSE) and the Money & You® Program. I was blessed to have been there from the beginning of the programs – and I happily inherited all the Intellectual Property rights to the work on July 8, 1985 from the original creators.

Money & You® and the Excellerated Business School® for Entrepreneurs programs were designed and originally led, by Marshall Thurber, an attorney, business consultant, and a brilliant man. He along with two partners, and later including Bobbi DePorter (now the co-founder of tested and proved in their property development company, Hawthorne Stone in San Francisco, the tools and principles now taught in the original BSE which was entitled the Burklyn Business School for Entrepreneurs, which I attended.

I learned the teachings so well, that at first, I began to work with them as a volunteer. Soon I became a promoter of the first few Money & You® programs, and eventually, I became a partner — ultimately inheriting the Intellectual Rights of the entire curriculum on July 8, 1985.

I truly feel that I won the lottery… This work is one of the most powerful, impactful and richest transformational entrepreneurial trainings and often you see parts of it being duplicated by other wealth and transformational leaders that have attended our programs – and they never quite get it to the depth that we have reached through the decades!
We’ve been teaching the best-kept secrets of generating “true wealth” around the globe through our experiential, transformational, entrepreneurial programs since 1978.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, better known now because of the Rich Dad/Poor Dad book series fame, was my business partner for 9 years, and he led our Excellerated Business School programs for over a decade. He learned and applied the principles so well! He particularly loved the principle of leverage! He went on to create an investment empire along with his beautiful wife, Kim (who is brilliant in business too) and their then business partner, Sharon Lechter, the co-author of the Rich Dad Series, and now famous for the Think and Grow Rich for Women book.

BSE and all Excellerated programs come from a solid foundation of they launched the transformational, experiential, entrepreneurial education industry globally… and happily, I was part of that team. When they presented the first BSE, no one was teaching like this – no one had thought of doing short programs to teach entrepreneurs – everyone had to go to University for years to learn what we teach!

The curriculum that are taught – especially by the Western Instructors – including myself, have been key to supporting many business people, entrepreneurs, start-ups, educators and people from many walks of life, to not only be successful financially but also help with solving world problems and have a better world for everyone.

That school was the first of its kind! Within its curriculum, they identified and taught the principles they had practiced in their successful real estate business. It was a “whole brain” educational system that applied the SuperLearning technology and inspired people to learn while at the same time enhancing their overall intelligence and capacities. Marshall, Bobbi and their team hired the best teachers and training consultants to help design their program.

Most significantly, they hired Bulgarian educational researcher, Georgi Lazonov, to go to the USA and specifically train them in the SuperLearning technology. He was getting known for the work he had done with the Russians to develop the breakthrough “accelerated” educational technology that included color, music, and activities to engage both the “right” and “left” hemispheres of the brain. That’s the system that became known as SuperLearning and is more widely accepted in progressive schools throughout the world. But Marshall and Bobbi were the first to apply it to teaching entrepreneurship and business education… eventually, when I inherited the work, and we took it to a whole other level, it morphed into the “Excellerated Learning Technology”.

The Business School was an “excellerated” six-week residential experience for entrepreneurs. It included subjects that traditional schools took up to two years to teach. But because of the new SuperLearning method of teaching they mastered, students played an Accounting Game that made them able to comprehend and apply in less than two days what traditionally took two years of classes!

From the very beginning, the design of our programs was influenced by R. Buckminster Fuller’s teachings. I personally started being influenced by him a year before I attended that first business school in 1978.

Marshall and other partners also became students and protégé of Bucky Fuller. Marshall yearned to apply Bucky’s generalized principles to his new educational enterprise. From his own experience, Marshall understood the significance of Bucky’s emphasis on the importance of allowing people to make and learn from mistakes — their own as well as those of others. To avoid unconsciously making them in real life when the cost was much higher, he designed games and simulations into the curriculum for people to practice and make their mistakes in a safe and learning environment. Bucky became one of the “stars” of a faculty of guest instructors at the school (and taught every year until he passed away in 1983).

After the first BSE, many people heard about the School and wanted to attend, but some were disappointed to learn that it lasted six weeks! Few entrepreneurs in business could take that amount of time away from their clients, so there was an immediate demand for a shortened version of the school where people could at least learn the context and tools for setting up a business.

To meet this need, Money & You® was born — a three-and-a-half-day (now – originally it was five days) educational experience that teaches the context for doing business. It prepares the participants to work in teams, to create win/win business practices, and to recognize and apply Bucky’s Generalized Principles to business. Over time, the Money & You® program has also become an introduction to BSE.

One of the core principles of Money & You® is that “the key to making money is directly proportional to one’s ability to generate and maintain good relationships — both with oneself and with others.” This self-knowledge is learned and experienced through many different activities throughout the program because it is such a key pre-requisite to long-term success in any business. One of the mantras underlying its basic philosophy is “For things to change, first, I must change”.

Plus, we teach people to create multi-generational wealth and to ensure that your own legacy lives on, generation after generation.

I believe that we have been the longest-running experiential, entrepreneurial/business program in China because the government appreciates that our graduates understand the importance of not only having a healthy bottom-line, but that it’s also important to do good not only for your family but also for communities, country and the entire world.

And I also have had the honor of having been working with Lin Wei-Hsien since 1999 when we started our business relationship and he began teaching and promoting, first, the Money & You® Program and in 2000 the Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs (BSE), first in Taiwan and then in Shanghai, China.

Our organizations flourished with the Money & You®program, the Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs® (BSE) and other Excellerated programs we offer in English, Chinese and Japanese; and soon they will be presented in the Tamil, Hindi, other Indian, and the Spanish language.

Through countless partners, associates, teams, graduates and the support of many, the work has grown to a global organization, now expanding the curriculum to New Technologies, Renewables and Contribution.

My new definition of wealth is to have access to cash, resources, networks, investments, experts, knowledge, wisdom, and support! It is HAVING the ACCESS that is the key! Our network gives you access to systems that have worked for millions — it will save you decades of “learning experiences” — apply the principles, tools and systems to your business and have your staff and teams to enjoy the benefits of what is taught in BSE and all of our Excellerated programs.

Once someone attends BSE, they have a lifetime membership to visit / review any BSE in any language tuition-free. The English BSE’s have a different format with many more instructors, thus we encourage all of the Chinese BSE graduates to return and sit in the back of English BSE! You can connect with us at for all the details! You can always learn more at

To all the graduates, we thank YOU for your participation and we hope that you continue to learn entrepreneurship with us! And continue to make this world better for everyone…

I look forward to seeing you at the next BSE or Money & You somewhere wonderful around the world!

Dame Doria (DC) Cordova

One comment

  • M&Y and BSE are phenomenal programs that are access to some of the most profound and sophisticated concepts for business and life. In a few short days, 3.5 for M&Y and 8 now for BSE, one may learn principles, distinctions and skills that maximize every aspect of life. It is a comprehensive course of the best thinking about HOW to work effectively to make our own lives and the “world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time …”. I applaud Doria (DC) Cordova, her partners and team for continuing the work since 1978, bringing it around the world to as many as will step up to learn and apply the principles.

    October 22, 2019

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