Must-Have Survival Tactics For “Little Fish” In Big Seas

With so much advertising “noise”, it is hard for us to get our marketing message heard by the right people at the right time. This is especially true for entrepreneurs and business owners who may be competing with bigger companies that are offering the same or similar products or services. So how can the “little fish in the big sea” survive?

In his book, The Icarus Deception, author Seth Godin talks of a time when obeying the rules would help you excel. When compliance was safe and was a major key to success. But those days are long gone, especially if you have, or want to have, your own company. Building a successful business is not about a widget, gadget, or a whatchamacallit. It’s about only one thing…Connection. Our success is equal to our ability to connect with people in new and different ways. Our success is dependent on building a network of other strong individuals who will contribute to our success and us to theirs.

The good news is that entrepreneurs and small businesses can do this in a way that Big Business never can. Mr. Godin explains that with the changing of the industrial economy being the main driver of the world’s wealth to the “Connection Economy”, there has been a big change in what society values. Across most cultures, the industrial age is being replaced by the originality and art of this new Connection Economy. In the book, he encourages us to embrace ourselves as artists (creative types)…and to know that we are capable of making a difference, of being bold, and of changing more than we’re willing to admit.

As we think about how big our “sphere of influence” is, many of us will limit ourselves to our own town or geographic region. A few of us may stretch ourselves and think beyond our regional boundaries to our own country or maybe even a neighboring country. Even fewer will think globally and succumb to the “I’m just a little fish in a big sea” philosophy.

But in this Connection Economy, we know that being new and creative is the only way to be seen and heard and that if we want to make an impact on the world, we have to be out in the world. Inspiration can come from a variety of sources but the most powerful source is our own experiences. Imagine the possibilities when we take those experiences and share them across borders and oceans and cultures. Imagine connecting with other entrepreneurs who are eager to contribute to your success and you feel the same about them.

And although the concept of success through non-compliance is difficult for many of us who were taught that “following the leader” is the only way, it is clear that opening up our thinking and ourselves to new possibilities is the golden path to success (however we define it) in this new Connection Economy.

If you want to be an entrepreneur who finds success across borders, oceans, and cultures, join us for “The Excellerated Business School For Entrepreneurs” to be held November 11-19, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Learn more here: This is the only experiential learning program for Global Entrepreneurs. Here, you will join our powerful network of Global Entrepreneurs working in sync to bring their experiences to the world.

If you truly would like to transform your business – creating more stable streams of revenue and insuring sustainable growth – I urge you to watch the free global entrepreneurship video we’ve produced, then seriously consider joining me and the network of potential trading partners this November 11 – 19 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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